Artist of the Month – November

Katie James


Katie has lived in Barnes most of her life. She studied art at Camberwell and Central St Martins Schools of Art before travelling the world and a long career in book publishing as a Publicity Director. Katie has exhibited widely in galleries and group shows in central London, Barnes, Dorset, Somerset and Enniskillen. She won the Green and Stone prize for Best Oil Painting in 2008, The Boecho Gallery Prize in 2018 and has been a finalist for the Diana Armfield NEAC RA Drawing from Observation Award in 2019 and 2021. Katie is the co-Founder of Barnes Artist and a member of Chelsea Arts Society. She has just graduated from a two year diploma in Portrait painting

What are you working on now?
Suddenly many portrait commissions! Mainly children and dogs but I am also developing ideas for a body of work that delves into my obsession with light and colour and subtle tonal shifts.

How did lockdown affect your work?
My studio is at the end of the garden and during lockdown I would set off to paint in it but would get hopelessly diverted by jobs to do in the garden. Being a co-Founder of Barnes Artists means there is always a show to organise hence plenty of admin. In between I had time to stop and contemplate nature in my garden and on Barnes Common which was the inspiration for the fabulously successful Barnes Common Artshow at St Mary's Church last summer with over 30 local artists and photographers in partnership with Friends of Barnes Common, Friends of St Marys and the local branch of London Independent Photographers.

Recent technical discovery?
The James Hague preparation of MDF boards: A base layer of button polish, sand smooth, layer of gesso, sand, gesso, sand, gesso, sand. The result is a lovely smooth surface to paint on. 

Favourite artist?
I am obsessed with the work of Jennifer Packer and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, both of whom had exhibitions last summer at Tate Modern and Serpentine Gallery respectively. Both figurative artists who use a combination of flat colour and good drawing inspiringly well. Obsessed! 

Colour you can't do without?
Oxide of Chromium (Green) and Pthalocyanine Blue. When mixed together they create a perfect mid tone for green landscapes.

Plein Air or Studio?
Both. Having been a slave to out-in-all-weather Plein Air painting I am now learning how to develop paintings from sketches in the comfort of my studio.

Barnes Secret for an artist?
It would have to be Barnes Artists. This is an extensively talented community of local artists. We meet up, exchange ideas and skills and put on art shows that tie in with other local groups and businesses. But we are also a valuable network to each other when times are good or tough. There is nothing more magical than an evening life drawing at The Barnes Atelier studio. Cool background music, silent concentration and a glass of wine half way through.

Favourite piece of kit?
The James Coulter wooden panel box and easel. It has transformed my plein air painting.

What makes Barnes special to an artist?
The sense of community, the natural beauty of Barnes Common and observing the seasons unfold on it. The Olympic Cinema, the monthly outdoor Artisan's Market around Barnes Pond where Barnes Artists have a stall. The bi-annual Barnes Artists Shows which are always delightful and inspiring.

Next show?
Barnes Art Fair at St Michael's 17th -20th November 2021
Art For Youth at the Mall Galleries 7th-10th December 2021